Mayflower Declaration

Declaration:  I confirm on behalf of the Organisation named above that:

(i)           I have read the DBS Code of Practice / Disclosure Scotland Code of Practice / AccessNI Code of Practice and agree to observe and adhere to the obligations contained within it.  We also have a Policy on the Secure Storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure Information and a policy statement on the recruitment of ex-offenders.

(ii)          I, the undersigned, confirm that I will check original identity documents for purposes of verification of name and current address according to DBS / Basic Disclosure Scotland / AccessNI guidelines, for each individual seeking employment through our organisation where the nature of the employment is such that a DBS / Basic Disclosure Scotland / AccessNI check is an eligible part of recruitment.

(iii)         I accept responsibility for checking the documents personally and understand that Mayflower Disclosure Services Ltd. and its counter-signatories will not have seen the original documents and take no responsibility for their validity.

(iv)         I understand that Mayflower will obtain Disclosure information on the organisation’s behalf and will take no part in the employment decision unless otherwise agreed in writing.

(v)          Although Mayflower will endeavor to apply for (from DBS / Disclosure Scotland / AccessNI) and to forward Disclosure information to the organisation on the day of receipt, Mayflower cannot be held responsible for any delays in receiving Disclosure information which are beyond its reasonable control.

(vi)         I understand that there can be no absolute guarantee of the accuracy of a Disclosure, and that it does not carry a pre-determined period of validity because a conviction or other matter could be recorded against the subject of a Disclosure at any time after it is issued. Recruitment decisions should be made as soon as possible after the receipt of a Disclosure.

(vii)        I understand that Mayflower will not enter into any correspondence in the event of a dispute as to the accuracy of a Disclosure. It will be the responsibility of the subject of the Disclosure to resolve the matter directly with the DBS / Disclosure Scotland / AccessNI.

(viii)       I understand that Mayflower will allow us access to our applicants’ electronic Disclosure Certificates or send us copies of our applicants’ Disclosure Certificates or send us Disclosure Result notifications (whichever applicable) and we will store them in line with the DBS / Disclosure Scotland / Access NI Code of Practice.

(ix)         I will obtain the express permission from applicants to obtain a Disclosure before applications are submitted to Mayflower

(x)         For Standard or Enhanced Disclosure applications and PVG applications:

  • A statement will be in the Job/Volunteer advertisement and/or application form that an Enhanced/Standard/PVG disclosure will be required for the post.
  • A statement will be in the Job/Volunteer advertisement and/or application form that a criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position.
  • The Job/Volunteer application form or Interview Questionnaire should ask the applicant to disclose if there is any reason why they cannot work in regulated activity, the date the question was asked and the applicant’s response should be recorded.
  • The application form or recruitment material will inform an Applicant of the DBS / Disclosure Scotland / AccessNI Code of Practice *whichever is applicable, and how they can obtain/request a copy.
  • I will provide any information requested by Mayflower to provide assurance that the "Position Applied For" meets the necessary legal entitlements for the type of Disclosure requested.

I have read and understand Mayflower Terms of Business.

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Online DBS Checks, AccessNI Checks, PVG Checks, Basic Disclosure Checks, External ID Validation, Employee & CompanyCredit Checks

The information provided on our website is for guidance only and should not be considered as a substitute for legal advice. Copyright © 2002-2025 Mayflower Disclosure Services Ltd and All rights reserved.