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DBS Eligibility Questions / Types of DBS checks

DBS Eligibility & DBS level questions:

EL1.  What types of DBS checks are there and what is the DBS eligibility criteria?

There are 4 Types of DBS Check available:  

  1. Basic DBS check or Basic Scotland check:  This checks for Unspent Convictions and can be obtained for anyone for any reason
  2. Standard DBS check:  This checks for Unspent Convictions, Spent Convictions and Cautions, Warnings and Reprimands.  Note this type of DBS is restricted and can only be requested for certain roles specified within the relevant law.
  3. Enhanced DBS check excluding barred list checks:  This checks for Unspent Convictions, Spent Convictions and Cautions, Warnings and Reprimands, and Other Relevant Police Information.  Note this type of DBS is restricted and can only be requested for certain roles specified by relevant law
  4. Enhanced DBS check including barred list checks:  This checks for Unspent Convictions, Spent Convictions and Cautions, Warnings and Reprimands, Other Relevant Police Information, and the child and/or adults barred list check,.  Note this type of DBS is restricted and can only be requested for certain roles regulated by relevant law

  • Basic DBS Checks and Basic Scotland Checks can be obtained for anyone, for any reason (with their permission).
  • Standard and Enhanced DBS Eligibility criteria is strictly regulated by the law and can only be obtained for certain roles.

We have summarized this criteria in an easy to read DBS eligibility guide. Click here to access our easy to read DBS eligibility guide.

Links to the legislation named above is available for reference through our Customer Resource/Links section.

Further information on the eligibility criteria for DBS checks, can also be found on the DBS website . 

EL2.  What level of DBS check should I get?

Click here for further information on types of DBS checks available and eligibility criteria.

EL3.  What is the definition of a (vulnerable) adult for DBS purposes?

The law (relating to DBS checks) defines a (vulnerable) adult as someone who is 18 years old or over and who is receiving a specific service specifically because they are elderly, ill or disabled.

EL4.  What is the definition of a child for DBS purposes? 

The law (relating to DBS checks) defines a child as anyone who is under 18 years old.

EL5.  What is the definition of a volunteer for DBS purposes? 

For DBS purposes, the DBS define a volunteer to be:

"a person who performs any activity which involves spending time, unpaid (except for travelling and other approved out-of-pocket expenses), doing something which aims to benefit someone (individuals or groups) other than or in addition to close relatives"

Please note:  Work Experience, Student Trainee’s, Student Placements and Student Teachers do NOT fall within the DBS definition of “Volunteer”.

Additionally, the applicant must NOT:

  • receive any payment (except for travel and other approved out-of-pocket expenses)
  • be on a work placement
  • be on a course that requires them to do this job role
  • be in a trainee position that will lead to a full time role/qualification

More information on DBS volunteer eligibility is available on the DBS website.

Examples of eligible and ineligible volunteer roles:

Position applied for

Volunteer eligibility

DBS Reasoning

Parent helpers in schools


This activity is entirely voluntary, is unpaid and is primarily aimed   at providing a service to a third party



This activity is entirely voluntary, is unpaid and is primarily aimed   at providing a service to a third party

Adoptive parents and other household members over 18 years old


This activity is entirely voluntary, is unpaid and is primarily aimed   at providing a service to a third party

Foster carers and members of the same household over 18 years old


Foster carers usually receive payments for these activities therefore the DBS deem that neither foster carers nor other members of the household over 18 years old are entitled for Volunteer DBS Checks

Individuals working abroad on volunteering projects


These persons usually receive payment of a local salary, and lump sum payments, above and beyond what could be described as “travel and other approved out-of-pocket expenses”.  Therefore the DBS deem that these roles are not entitled for Volunteer DBS Checks

Medical/teaching/social work student on work placement, as part of training


This activity is a mandatory course requirement, is usually paid and is primarily undertaken to benefit the student


EL6.  Are DBS checks for volunteer applications free?

The DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) waive their fee for Standard DBS and Enhanced DBS applications submitted to them, for a role that meets the DBS definition of a volunteer (see question EL5).   This does not apply to Basic DBS applications or Basic Disclosure Scotland applications.

Please Note:  our admin fee is still charged.  

Please refer to our prices to check the total price charged for a Volunteer DBS application.

EL7.  How can I request a Volunteer DBS?

You need to indicate that the applicant is a volunteer when you complete Section Y of the Application Manager section of a Standard DBS or Enhanced DBS application.

EL8.  If my applicant has lived abroad do I need to obtain a DBS check from the Overseas countries where they have lived?  If So, how do I do this? 

DBS checks cover a person’s UK criminal record and are required if you are employing someone in a role that requires a DBS check (regardless of what country they have lived in before).

The application process is the same.  The applicant still needs to provide a full 5 year address history (including their overseas addresses).

If you wish, you can also obtain a criminal record check fromtheir home country; but you are not obligated to do so.

Please refer to the following web link on the DBS website for furtherinformation on obtaining overseas checks:

EL9.  Can a DBS check be obtained for someone under 18? 

DBS checks can be obtained for people who are 16 years old or over.

DBS checks cannot be obtained for anyone under the age of 16 years old.

EL10.  The applicant is in the UK but does not have a permanent address in the UK, what can I do? 

The applicant must be able to provide proof of their current address by providing you with at least one document from the list of Acceptable ID.  If they cannot do this you cannot obtain a DBS check for them.

EL11.  The applicant is Overseas and does not have a UK address yet; can I still get a DBS check on them?

The online DBS application can be created and submitted in the normal way. You still need to check the applicant's ID documents - please refer to list of acceptable ID.

Please note the following for the applicant's current address:

The current home address on a DBS application form must be a UK address because the DBS do not post certificates to overseas addresses.

If an applicant does not have a UK address, please ask them to enter their current address as "care of: Your Company Name" and then continue to enter your Company address (which is in the UK).

The "from date" should be entered as the current month and year e.g. if the current month and year is November 2016, the "from date" needs to be entered as Nov 2016.

The applicant will need to enter their current overseas address in the previous address section, entering the "to date" as the current month and year (for above example this would be Nov 2016); the DBS will then process their DBS check and post the hard-copy DBS certificate to yourselves once it is completed.


EL12.  What is a DBS Adult First check?

A DBS Adult First (previously called an ISA Adult First or PoVa First) check will check if the applicant's name is on the barred list for working with Vulnerable Adults, whilst the DBS application is being processed.  The result will be sent to you by email.

Note, a DBS Adult First check is only available in exceptional circumstances' for more information, click here.


The email result provided by the DBS will have 2 outcomes:


1.  "No match exists for this person on the DBS Adults Barred list" - this means the applicant's name is not on the barred list and they can start work, before their DBS check has been completed, as long as they’re supervised


2.  "Please wait for the DBS Certificate before making a recruitment decision regarding this applicant" - this means the DBS are not able to confirm if the applicant is on the barred list or not - you should wait for the result of the DBS check before this applicant starts work.  This result is not conclusive.  It does not mean the applicant is barred from working with vulnerable adults; in fact in our experience it is very rare for this to be the case.

Please note, a DBS Adult First check does incur an additional charge, see our Price List.


Please refer to the DBS Adult First website link in the "Website Links" section of our Customer Resources/Links page for more information. 

EL13.  How can I request a DBS Adult First check? 

You need to request a DBS Adult First check when you complete Section Y of the Application Manager section of the Enhanced DBS application.

EL14.  What is a List 99 check?

There is a check called a List 99 check.  This is incorporated in with an Enhanced DBS check including the children's barred list check, and cannot be obtained separately.

Some schools have the facility to obtain a List 99 check separately but this access is restricted to certain schools only. If a school has asked you to obtain a List 99 check separately to a DBS check, they will need to do this for you.

EL15.  What roles are considered to be “healthcare professionals”?

According to the DBS a health care professional is a person who is regulated by one of the following professional regulators:

  • General Medical Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the General Medical Council are:
    • Doctor: GP or Specialist Consultant
  • General Dental Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the General Dental Council are:
    • Dentist
    • Dental Care Practitioner
    • Dental Care Professional (DCP), i.e:
    • Dental Nurse
    • Dental Technician
    • Dental Therapist
    • Dental Hygienist
    • Orthodontic Therapist
    • Clinical Dental Technician
  • General Optical Council ( As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the General Osteopathic Council are:
    • Optometrist
    • Dispensing Optician
    • Student Optician
    • Specialty Practitioners
  • General Chiropractic Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the General Chiropractic Council are:
    • Chiropractor
  • General Pharmaceutical Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council are:
    • Pharmacist
    • Pharmacy Technician
  • Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland are:
    • Pharmacist
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council are:
    • Nurse
    • Midwife
    • Nursing Associate
  • Health Professions Council (  As at March 2020, the roles regulated by the Health Professions Council are:
    • Arts Therapist
    • Biomedical Scientist
    • Chiropodist/Podiatrist
    • Clinical Scientist
    • Dietitian
    • Hearing Aid Dispenser
    • Occupational Therapist
    • Operating Department Practitioner
    • Orthoptist
    • Paramedic
    • Physiotherapist
    • Practitioner Psychologist
    • Prosthetists/Orthotist
    • Radiographer
    • Speech and Language Therapist


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