DBS Checks for Bupa Practitioners

Please choose the option below which is most relevant to your circumstances:

You will be re-directed to our sister website (www.dbsapplication.co.uk) which provides a DBS service to providers who require 1 x DBS check.

You will be re-directed to our "Create Account" page so you can create an account with us and start within 24 hours.  Note: creating an account is free and under no obligation.

We are proud to be a recommended DBS provider for Bupa contractors.

If you need a Standard DBS check or an Enhanced DBS check to become a new Bupa Healthcare professional or if you require a DBS check to renew with Bupa registration, we can assist you with this.

The DBS service we provide depends on the number of DBS checks you require.  

Please select and click on the the appropriate button above to be directed to the correct service.

We deliver an excellent service and have a strong reputation.  Read our customer testimonials here.

Benefits of using Mayflower Disclosure Services:

  1. Dedicated business - our business is processing criminal records checks - your applications will always be our priority.
  2. Offer on-line (paperless) applications; known as eBulk
  3. Fast processing (average completion time of 8 days using our online system)
  4. NO photocopying, NO scanning, NO signatures required
  5. ID verification completed online - no need to post ID documents
  6. Internet based, no downloading of software required
  7. one-click on-line tracking of DBS(CRB) applications.
  8. Integrated on-line payment 
  9. Clear Pricing – you are only charged for applications you submit for processing.  Full access, unlimited users and options are provided at NO extra cost.
  10. We do NOT charge a registration fee, set-up fee, error rates or any other charges not stated, without prior agreement.
  11. Environmentally friendly - less admin, paper, postage etc.
  12. We offer a personal and efficient service - our team are specialists in criminal records checks and are happy to offer advice and guidance at any time
  13. Company Registration is FREE and under NO OBLIGATION.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


We are proud to be recommended by many of our customers.  Check out our Customer Feedback here.


www.dbsapplication.co.uk     www.dbsdirect.co.uk     www.basicpolicecheck.co.uk

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Online DBS Checks, AccessNI Checks, PVG Checks, Basic Disclosure Checks, External ID Validation, Employee & CompanyCredit Checks

The information provided on our website is for guidance only and should not be considered as a substitute for legal advice. Copyright © 2002-2025 Mayflower Disclosure Services Ltd and www.dbsdirect.co.uk. All rights reserved.